Paul Fedchak
Paul consults on life insurance and annuity products. He has been involved with universal life, with a focus on secondary guarantees, whole life, fixed and variable annuities. He has worked with these products in the contexts of modeling, product development, product review, mergers and acquisitions and AXXX securitizations.
Before joining the firm, Paul worked for American United Life, initially modeling group annuities and subsequently as a life insurance pricing actuary. Paul has been involved with Strategic Planning, Cash Flow Testing, C-3 Phase II, SOP 03-1, product development and implementation, experience studies and assumption development. He has worked closely with fixed and variable deferred group annuities. He has experience with permanent participating life insurance, long-term care combination products, and variable annuity guarantees. He also has experience with both TAS and Prophet modeling software.
- Fellow, Society of Actuaries
- Member, American Academy of Actuaries
- BA, Actuarial Science, Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind.
- Co-Editor of Product Matters!, the SOA Product Development Section newsletter
- Vice-President of Actuarial Club of Indianapolis